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Insulation Jackets IJ

Insulation jackets for flanges, valves, flash vessels, moisture separators, and other equipment prevent heat loss in the form of radiation and help conserve energy. 
Exposed hot surfaces should always be insulated to avoid heat loss in the form of radiation and injury to the plant personnel operating in the vicinity. Components installed on a steam system might have temperatures as high as 150- 200 Deg. C. 
Considering this high temperature, large surface areas and the number of equipment, a huge amount of energy can be saved by insulating this equipment. At the same time, it prevents probable injuries to plant personnel operating in the proximity.
  • Manufactured using high-quality insulating material with very low thermal conductivity. 
  • Aesthetically designed for better look and feel  
  • Easy to remove and fix again during product maintenance. 
Depending on the type, size of the product and operating temperature of the fluid, the annual radiation losses can amount to 6-15% of the total capital investment on the product. Insulation jackets are an easy way to save money while keeping a check on carbon footprint.