The DW 181 inline flow controller is suitable for horizontal or vertical pipes. It can have G or NPT threaded connections, sizes ranging from ¾...2".
There are two types of indicator available for this variant:
- a linear scale with up to two alarm positions at the top and bottom of the indicator (as shown) or
- a dial which has been made specifically for this instrument and tested on a calibration rig.
Digitally Enabled
- Permanent readings using a powerful magnet
- No need for a power supply to indicate flow
- Unique Ex d design (without dial for local readings)
- High temperature version (without local indication) can operate up to 300°C (570°F)
- Available for process pressures up to 120 bar (1740 psig)
- Low cost , easy to install.
- Relatively low maintenance required.
- Reliable and trouble free operation.
We can supply flow switch with maximum temperature upto 300 degree Celsius.
- Flow detection, Cooling systems, Pump protection, Lubrication control, Cavitation alarm.