Chemical and API

Water Treatment

Water fuels the cycle of life and industry, hydrating us and nourishing the food we eat and shaping the products we use It powers our machines, cools our processes and cleans our world. Yet, this vital force, so integral to life and industry, is finite
In a world where fresh water is scarce and its quality increasingly compromised, the way we manage water and waste water isn’t just important, its essential.

Challenges faced
– Difficulties in sustaining compliance parameters
– Excessive chemical and energy consumption
– Operations at below design capacity or against current requirements
– Unplanned downtimes or frequent maintenance
– Significant variations in quality/ parameters of input streams

Our Solution:

The holistic solution from Forbes Marshall encompasses


Lower cost of production

Lower cost of production

Higher yield

Higher yield

No operator dependency

No operator dependency

Safety assured

Reduced batch time

Reduced batch time

Utility optimisation

Repeatable batch quality

Repeatable batch quality