40% of steam trap failure occurs due to wrong selection and installation. Installing the trap right ensures it operates efficiently and reduces steam loss.

While most people have become aware of the necessity of steam traps, these investments and efforts become futile if traps are not installed correctly. Steam traps are devices that trap steam and discharge condensate from steam systems. Steam traps being engineering solutions certain precautions need to be taken while installing them.

Our studies show that 40% of total trap failure can be attributed to wrong selection and installation.

Failure of steam traps leads to:

  • Steam loss
  • Condensate logging and hence increase in process time.

Ensure that the manufacturer's instructions are adhered to during installation. This will prevent trap failure and steam trap leaks, thereby saving energy.

Example : A leaking 15NB thermodynamic trap on a 3.5 bar line will lose steam at the rate of 8.2 kg/hr. This translates to a loss of 64 tons of steam annually!

Given below is a ready reckoner for trap installations:

 Trap Type

Aids to installation


Thermodynamic traps

Should be installed horizontal and arrow on trap body should point in direction of flow.

Though trap operates in all positions along the vertical axis, horizontal installation improves life.

Float type traps

Arrow on trap body should point in direction of flow, arrow on name plate should point downwards.

Trap operates on buoyancy principle, the float should move vertically in up & down motion.

 Bucket traps

Arrow on trap body should point in direction of flow and strainer body should be at the bottom.

This ensures that the bucket operates in vertical up and down motion.

Balanced pressure traps

Arrow on trap body indicates direction of flow.

The trap operates well in any orientation as long as flow along direction of arrow.